The color of a peach can teach me more about time than the hands of a clock.

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Love, love this! It says so much and so briefly

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“Sometimes when we are in the midst of a physical move, when we are dis-lodged, it dislodges our creative voice too. And while I know there’s deep discomfort in this displacement, and I’m not making light of this difficult time, it sounds like this move may be doing that for you? That as things seem to break apart, your creative voice is coming through the space it’s creating? I hope you find even five minutes to sit down to the page and let your inner writer know you’re listening.”

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"That as things seem to break apart, your creative voice is coming through the space it’s creating?"... Nice

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Thanks for that “when we are dis-lodged, it dislodges our creative voice too.” I needed to read this - as I have moved over three years ago to a home I love but it has taken me until just recently to start creating fully in my new studio space. I have been feeling down about getting a rhythm again and this has let me give myself some grace - thank you.

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I’m so glad you shared this, thank you. I made a major move two years ago and am still seeking my rhythm too.

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"I hope you find even five minutes to sit down to the page and let your inner writer know you're listening."

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That could have been written to me!

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I said it to a friend, but feel I could use the message too :)

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"As hard as it is, I find it beautiful that you are finally engaging in conversations that only look to love you."

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Wow. Thank you.

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I feel this right now

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Autumn is going lovely. Had a tromp over yonder yesterday. Crunched some stubble underfoot. Saw a couple of kestrels. Nice x

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"Crunched some stubble underfoot."... How simple and tactile.

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I had totally forgotten about the witches shoes. I doubt they would have fit any way.

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For whatever reason, I love this so deeply! 💕

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“I’ve decided if I encounter the mountain lion, I will raise my hands over my head to make myself bigger, and I will belt out the Hallelujah chorus really loudly. Or maybe he won’t fancy religious music and I’ll have to be inventive and maybe channel

Janis Joplin.”

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Definitely channel Janis Jopin.

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Miracles happen all the time . It’s like Santa though , you have to believe. Look after yourself , remember you’re part of the Divine .

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Oh, love this!

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Are you ok after hearing that song?

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Brace yet sway- the wind is coming

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Beautiful. Be aware, but still, remain flexible. Perfect! XO

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“People, I have been wanting to do a ridiculous project for a long time...”

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We were also entertained by two young curly-horned black-faced sheep out back beyond the fence. Their competitive behavior was hilarious… and a bit scary. They were constantly trying to “alphatize” the other with bumps and grunts, head banging (sometimes rib banging), all while their mother looked on. Patti convinced me that they must be brothers.

-Paul Brassard

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alphatize!! I'm going to start using that. Now I understand our political landscape a little better. Lots of alphatizing going on there too.....

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I’m glad a did a double take and realized they weren’t alphabetizing themselves! lol

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I did the same thing, Shelly :-) XO

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somehow I totally lost the week

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Just did that myself. :)

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My life lately.

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I’m stretching the truth … I’ve just giving myself time.

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My brother and I write back and forth each day in a form of letter/journal on a google drive. At the end of each entry we try to write one new thing we are learning that day or expect to learn or have learned.

Mine today was a caution to myself: Pay Attention when using Booking.com. Make sure the hotel you book is in the right country!

I thought I had booked the Hotel Berg in Keflavik Iceland for last night, but when I arrived discovered my booking was for the Hotel Berg in the Czech Republic. Pay attention, Meg.

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Oh my word! Glad you checked. I have made a mistake like this before only now I can't recall exactly what it was; something about an airline reservation. XO

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But I’m still imagining it’s you

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I was able to place Ellery's favorite plants from his garden into his coffin before it was closed - lavender and roses; I tended both today.

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